Newsletter, a secret, Dad, and the mice

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At long last! I got a newsletter done and mailed out! Phew. I am very pleased with it even though it didn't fit my arbitrary schedule of getting it out last quarter. If you haven't seen it yet, you can read it online here: Spring/Summer Rising Times Newsletter

Something so very exciting has happened and I'm so eager to share it with you, but I feel I need to wait till it becomes official with papers signed, etc., before I do. Just know that something I have put a lot of focus, passion and work into has paid off and I'm over the moon about it!

A quick update on Dad--he finally got sprung from the rehabilitation center on Friday after the cottage was assessed for accessibility by the folks that do that. My sisters, bless them, (they're in Michigan now) scrambled and acquired and got done everything he needed to have done to be able to be there. He's really been discombobulated by the whole episode (that's actually truer than it even sounds--his name is Bob and he hasn't been quite himself since the accident!). I think it's a matter of getting his bearings and doing things for himself again. It's been 5 weeks that he's been out of his element with people doing everything for him since he fell. With all that's happened to him, it's not a wonder it's knocked him for a loop at age 87. As I told him and my sisters, I think it's like when you ride somewhere many times with someone else, you don't always know how to get there, but after you drive it yourself, you know. I am praying he uses the same stubborn strength that got him through POW camp in WWII and through the death of my mom to rally again!

Speaking of Mom, last night, she appeared in a dream and she was healthy and happy and looked great. It was one of those dreams that was SO real, it really felt exactly like being with her. I was so startled in the dream because I knew in the dream scenario she had died but then she showed up so very real--for a moment, I was confused whether I was even dreaming or not. It was one of those that when you wake up, you still feel it so intensely. What a gift!

And then, there's the mice. I have to admit there was a day--the 2nd full day we had them, I believe it was--when I was ready to take them back to the store because I was just so knotted up about them. Nervous about all kinds of things like not having yet tried to handle them to clean their cage, etc., which really reeks of urine unless you clean it out frequently, and dealing with the dogs' obsession with them (they went from nonchalant to crazed as the mice got more confident and started being more active) had me thinking it was just too much. But they were so adorable and I had such a fun time watching them, I got very attached, and so they are still here. I don't think I could possibly take them back now, even though we have another week to. I'm sure you'll soon be hearing more about Annette, Britney and Christina!

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