And the Holy Tea phenomenon continues!

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First, I want to tell you how much I wish you could feel my face! Yeah--I know that sounds very weird, but my face is as soft, softer than a baby's behind! I first noticed this when I reached up to rub my eyes one evening last week (please don't tell Dr. Becky, my opthalmologist!) and thought, "Wow--did I just put on moisturizer and don't remember doing it?" so dewy-soft was my face. (If you have reached middle age like me, or are just a space cadet--also, like me--the notion of doing something and not remembering you did it only seconds later is not that far out there!)

But after focusing for a moment, I realized that I had not applied moisturizer for almost 24 hours! Next, I felt my hands, which had not seen lotion for as many hours and they were soft, too! Unheard of in Denver's dry, cold winter and our dry, warm house without a humidifier! My skin is soft and moisturized all over my body--which is especially great because I am really slack on lotioning up! It's just amazing. No cracked skin on my fingers, and absent are my typical bouts of winter itching! The only thing I know that I've done differently is religiously drinking Holy Tea (pardon the pun). I had heard that one of the benefits was soft skin, but this is crazy! Crazy-wonderful!

I received an email from my friend, Nancy, and she said this about the tea (she's been drinking it since September): "Well, a few people have mistaken my 31 year old son as my brother! And when I took my close-to-the-same-age friend to the hospital one morning, the nurses thought I was her daughter!  I eat pretty much anything I want (which is a lot lately), but am maintaining a significant weight loss.  
PLUS, like you said, I just feel CLEAN! Love it!" Lots of people report spontaneous weight loss. If you haven't read the testimonials on the Holy Tea Products page, definitely do. There's lots and lots of things this tea helps with.

I haven't personally noticed weight loss yet, though my stomach is not bloating since starting the tea, which kinda makes me look a little sleeker through the middle, but losing weight is something I'm definitely looking forward to. First, I think I need to get my post-menopausal hormones straightened out. That's something the tea is supposed to help with as well. I am also going to consider a new product that someone told me about that is supposed to help with hormones, and I'm going to up my maca consumption and use of progesterone cream. I may even go so far as to get a hormone assessment when I figure out the best course of action for that. But meantime, I'm so thrilled to know that drinking the tea is such an easy way to be helping my body at a foundational level.

The business is still amazing, too. I have been totally stunned at how it has built itself. I now have more than 2 dozen people in my downline without even trying. Rick's and my monthly tea bill ($80) is way more than paid for by all the commissions just from people buying the tea through my site at retail--people I don't know and have no clue how they even knew to buy it from me! (I guess from other of my retail customers raving about the tea and giving them the URL for my
Holy Tea site) And I'll be receiving a lot more money from that in commissions from the distributors I've effortlessly sponsored. The tea is positively magnetic! But I must tell you--I wonder at the wisdom of buying it retail.

You can
become a distributor for free--you get your own Holy Tea Club website for FREE--and you never have to sign up another person and you get the tea wholesale, a $10 savings on a month's supply of tea! If you opt for Auto-Ship, which doesn't lock you into anything because you can cancel or change it at any time, you get your shipping for free! That's the key to this--just sign up as a distributor and either just buy the tea for yourself wholesale, or, if you get as excited about the tea as I am and as so many others are, then sign people up under you so they can get the tea wholesale, too, and have a passive income as well if you want! No obligation--totally your choice. Actually--you don't even have to sign them up--that's the beauty of your free website--they just go there and sign themselves up!

And this is a mind-blower: there's a real chance you will get other distributors put under you without you doing a thing like some of my people did--complete strangers will be put in your matrix. Without you doing anything beyond buying your monthly tea at wholesale! Pretty soon, your monthly tea is paid for and you can have completely passive income without doing much of anything. Amazing. It's definitely an Easy World business! Do check it out if you are at all open to making money the easy way! Okay. I'll stop proselytizing, but I'm just so amazed at how this is all working out, it's hard not to share it with great enthusiasm.

If you didn't read my prior blog entries about
Holy Tea and the Holy Tea Club, check out the entries from December 27, December 30, and, there's a little bit about it in the one for January 4.




Kay said:

Wondering why the links don't work. Is the tea club still up and running?

Julia said:

Hi, Kay~
Sorry about that!
They're working now--their website was down this evening for quite awhile!
Love, Joy, Ease,

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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on January 21, 2008 5:52 PM.

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