Sleep, mucho agua, and the Solstice

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Here is something you've never read on this blog before: It's 7:05 a.m. as I write this, and I've been up for well over an hour. I may be turning into a morning person! Well, here in Spain, anyway, where there's an 8-hour difference in time from the Mountain Time Zone that is headquarters for me these days.

I've been sleeping quite a lot here at the clinic, and I take that as a healing sign. Seems just after afternoon tea, around 3:30, I feel a heavy veil of drowsiness come over me (I've been meaning to ask the nurse if there's some sleep-inducing herb in there) and I am absolutely compelled to take a nap and I just don't want to get up once I'm sleeping. It almost feels like I'm in the poppy field scene in the Wizard of Oz. I usually then (reluctantly) get up around 7:00 p.m. and the wait for evening veggie broth to come around 8:20 (I guess Spanish culture = late dinner). That usually wakes me up so that I either talk to Rick via Skype, or read or play on the computer, or all of the above and then go back to sleep before midnight. Very different for me!

How did I manage to be here on the Costa del Sol during the rainy season? It's been pouring rain steadily since sometime in the middle of the night Sunday (When I first woke up in the night and heard it, I thought someone in another room was taking a shower, but it was the rain on the balcony.). The locals are very happy because they've had a hot, dry autumn, and rain is a blessing. BUT, after the cold, gray and snow in Denver, I've really been craving sunshine. Being one whose moods seem to match the light levels, I had been psyched to be here, where there are reportedly 330 sunny days per year. Seems I've chosen to be here 23 days during the 35 non-sunny ones! So, I am convincing myself to relax and appreciate what is, because right now, it sure ain't sunny! My new affirmation: No matter the weather, the sun of my Spirit is always dazzlingly bright within me.

Speaking of darkness and weather and such: Happy Winter Solstice! Today is a day to celebrate the growth that is happening in the darkness of the unseen realms--that which hides beneath rest and stillness. Take a healing nap today if you can, or simply sleep mindfully and with appreciation tonight--it's a grand way to celebrate the current cycle!

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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on December 21, 2009 11:30 PM.

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