Summer is here, and I'm spring cleaning!

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Times like these have always been the most frustrating for me—the time when a new project is gestating, I’m eager to get going on it, but other facets of life are in focus and I don’t get to immerse myself fully in the writing. Don’t get me wrong—I do have a hard-won respect for the process. After all those years of working on Recreating Eden and being mad at least half the time because “life was getting in the way,” I finally do realize that living life is integral to the energy I have to offer into whatever it is I’m co-creating with Spirit. But my ego-driven, short-sighted self just wants to go, go, go! I guess it’s just not time yet. I just have to wait. (That was for you, Rick.)

Today I had a very productive day of earthly chores. I launched into accomplishing some of those heavy cleaning tasks that have taken a back burner for far too long. You see, someone is coming over for an attunement tomorrow, and I really didn’t want her coming into a pig pen. Also, my friend, Donna, is coming over on Thursday after I pick her up from the airport (she’s coming in from Nashville for INATS), and I didn’t want things to be too gross for that—not that she’d even care, but hey—if I don’t have some excuse to get things in shape, I simply won’t!

INATS—you may be wondering what that is. It’s the International New Age Trade Show, and it’s in Denver this summer (as it is every summer), and in Florida for the winter show. It’s great that it’s in Denver so that I can go without it costing an arm and a leg for travel. Last year, to introduce the book, we had a small half-booth space, but found that it really wasn’t all that necessary or especially productive and it was expensive. I made just as many—maybe more—fruitful contacts just walking around and introducing myself than I did standing at our booth. So this year, I will be floating. It is a lot of fun—kind of like a gigantic new age circus. It's at the Denver Merchandise Mart--it takes up three buildings--and there is everything there from publishers, and apparel reps, to jewelry and crystals and aura photography and sidelines of every kind. It’s a wholesale show, slanted toward retailers buying for their stores, but there are some amazing bargains available for non-retailers, too. And you meet people from everywhere, who are into everything, from Buddhism to Wicca and everything in between. There are lots of celebrities and new age luminaries publicizing their latest books, etc. There are a lot of fabulous musicians there, too, with concerts almost non-stop throughout the show on the various stages. Donna, who is a new age musician (and my friend since 7th grade, by the way!), has been coming to INATS for many years, and has lots of musician friends who perform at the show, so it’s always fun to hang out with her there. I’m excited, too, that she and I will have time together Thursday to hang out. I’m overdue for some girlfriend time!

It’s the summer solstice this early morning—a powerful time, indeed. And this year’s is closely followed by the full moon in Capricorn. See Lisa Dale Miller’s “This Full Moon” at

You can read up on this year’s summer solstice by visiting my friend Allison Rae on the web at:

It’s really hard to believe time-wise that we have already reached summer—and the day of the year with the most daylight (and that the days will be getting shorter again!). Where has the springtime gone?! On the other hand, with temps in the 90s here for the last couple of days, it's easy to feel that summer has arrived.

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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on June 21, 2005 4:33 AM.

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