Our view has changed

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And so the sun has set on our '08 Lake Michigan vacation.

as the sun sets on our vacation.jpg

We're home at last after 2 full days of driving. Rick has the car unloaded--now for the unpacking!

I'm exhausted, but I wanted to share this.

Yesterday was a very long day in the car, and we really pushed to get to Omaha where we had reservations, so we'd have a shorter day today (it's a 1300 mile trip in all from the cottage to our house in Denver). We were driving through western Iowa after dark, still about 120 miles from Omaha, and started seeing a HUGE thunderstorm ahead in exactly the direction we were going. It was really magnificent, with giant bolts of lightning--sometimes they looked bundled with a half dozen or more hitting at the same time close to the same spot--never seen anything quite like it. It lit the whole sky, from south to north about as far as we could see.

While my enlightened self was enjoying the majesty of it, my animal body and worry-wort ego-mind were getting very, very tense as we were headed directly into it. I had to force myself to stop imagining tornadoes, etc. To top it off, we were in a dicey construction zone with 6 lanes winnowed down to 2, and with 2-way traffic, complete with tight barricades, big trucks, etc. and heavy rain, I decided to try gratitude and appreciation--for the storm, for our safety, etc., and that helped greatly, but that ol' reptilian brain just kept giving the danger signal. Soon, though I wanted to be, I was not in Easy World anymore!

Just as I could feel myself really starting to clench up again in fear, we passed an elegant billboard (is that an oxymoron?!) with a photo of a butterfly on it that simply said, "Watch the magic unfold!" with some small words at the bottom. It was advertising the new butterfly exhibit at the Omaha zoo. How perfect!

In case you don't remember, the tag line for Easy World, after "I choose to live in Easy World where everything is easy," is "breathe...relax...allow...enjoy...and watch the magic unfold!" So that's what I did, and not too long afterward, I-80 veered south a bit and we left the storm, which by this time, was moving north, behind, having only encountered some very brief periods of hard rain to go along with the spectacular light show.

Then, today, we passed a flatbed truck trailer carrying dozens of huge spools of something and each one was labeled in large letters with the word "Spirit!"  Loved that!

A blessed trip, indeed.

Here is what was waiting when we got home--our Sweet Autumn Clematis (on the arbor) at its peak of beauty. It's not a Lake Michigan sunset, but we enjoyed kicking back on the patio and admiring its beauty when we got home:

after Epworth garden.jpg

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Francesca said:

Julia, thank you for sharing this experience. What I have been doing lately when ego mind tries to take over and as soon as I remember, is I consciously center myself and begin radiating Love (as you write about). This is certainly not always my first response or a natural reaction for me yet, but I am getting better at remembering that with all seeming troubles, Love has stopped flowing. So the solution must be to flow Love! I see myself receiving Love with each inbreath and then I see myself radiating it outward in an impersonal way with each outbreath. I really appreciate your teachings on this. It has helped me see "problems" as an opportunity to flow more Love to myself and to the world.

Julia said:

Thank YOU, Francesca, for your appreciation and for mirroring me so beautifully! I love how you expressed that, and knowing that I helped you see this is deeply gratifying.

Maybe next time I'm in a tight spot, I'll remember to use my own prescription! LOL! Breathing in Love, breathing out Love, radiating Love, BEING Love...ah, yes.

We do definitely need each other to remind of the truth!



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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on September 24, 2008 9:42 PM.

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