Ready to play with the big kids (and it's Blog Jog Day)!

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Click here for a special Mother's Day / Blog Jog Day gift!

(Please scroll to the bottom of this post for the link to the next blog on the Blog Jog circuit.)

Things are on the move as we get closer to the launch of Choosing Easy World August 3rd. SO many cool plans afoot and
most of them not quite ready to be shared yet. But I do want to tell you about something cool that happened Friday morning...

I got a phone call out of the blue from a woman identifying herself as Constance Arnold. She told me she has one of the top Law of Attraction-based shows on BlogTalk Radio called "Think Believe and Manifest." She said she interviews all the luminaries like Michael Beckwith, Marci Shimoff, Jack Canfield and so on (I will admit that my ego started puffing up a little). She said she'd been told by Spirit that there were a lot of unknown teachers out there with powerful messages and to interview some of them, so she set about finding some. Turns out mine was the only website out of 10 she looked at that included a phone number! (Ego deflating at this point--but Spirit leaping up!) So she called me. Hey--whatever it takes to make the connection. I really loved that she stated very plainly that she followed her Spirit. My kinda gal!

As it happened, I'd only been awake for a few minutes after a late night over in Boulder watching Stepdaugher #3 receive her degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Colorado.
Allison grad w J R E.jpg When Constance politely inquired as to how I was doing, the compulsively honest being that I am told her I was pretty fuzzy headed and not wide awake yet. Geez. She was only being polite. Did I really need to tell her I was not awake? (Note to self: Please don't be so forthcoming when Oprah calls!) Fortunately, she was undaunted and after asking if it would be better if she called back later and me saying I was fine to talk then, our conversation proceeded and I think I managed to be at least semi-lucid. After a brief exchange, she invited me to be her guest on her show next Sunday, May 16. (So I guess I did okay!)  I'll post more details when I get them, but I'm sure if you look next week, it will be promo-ed on her radio page. I hope you'll tune in!

What's notable about this is that I recently informed the Universe that I'm truly ready--at last--to "play with the big kids." The response was pretty immediate. The first thing that happened is that Gay Hendricks sent me a Facebook message asking if I'd like for him to interview me about Easy World for his students because he thinks they need to know about it. Said he appreciates Choosing Easy World even more now than when he read it last summer when I requested an endorsement from him. (He gave a really cool endorsement, too! You can click on the book title to see it!) And then Constance called. It will be interesting to see what else emerges from my request for "playing varsity" instead of "junior varsity" as I've been doing for so long!

Today, Sunday, May 9, is not just Mother's Day (Happy Mother's Day all you happy mothers!), it's "Blog Jog" day. Here's the scoop on that. After you finish reading here on my blog, you can continue on to the next blog on the circuit. That happens to be and you'll find a link to the next blog on the circuit once you get to her blog and so on. If at any point you would like to go to the main Blog Jog page, you can click here:

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Yvonne Perry said:

Thank you for the gift. Happy Mother's Day. Enjoying the blog jog.

Yvonne Perry
Writers in the Sky
Follow @writersinthesky on Twitter

Jacqueline said:

Hi, Julia!
How exciting! It's amazing how things move when we become willing to step out in a bigger way. Can't wait to see what's next for you. :)

Julia Author Profile Page said:

Me, too! :) Thanks so much for your Love and support!!!

(((Hugs))) back atcha!

Julia said:

You are so welcome, Yvonne. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment!

Really loved reading this blog and learning something about someone new.


SiNn said:

I agree i enjoyed ur blog post as well

Happy Mothers Day!

Julia Author Profile Page said:

Great to have you, Meredith. Thanks for stopping by and letting me know you did!

Julia Author Profile Page said:

Thanks! And Happy Mothers Day to you, too!

Hello Julia: Thanks for being my link to the BJD. I've sure enjoyed it!

Also enjoyed checking out your blog. Hope you'll visit mine & say Hello.


Thanks for offering such a lovely blog. If you have the time and the inclination, come check out my blog, will you? Roland

Your book sounds interesting- I've read and practiced creative visualization and am interested to read your ideas to see how they can apply to my life. Look forward to your book coming out.

Holli Castillo
Gumbo Justice

Julia Author Profile Page said:

Thanks for stopping by and connecting, Holli! Happy to meet you.

For word of Choosing Easy World's launch, please subscribe to my list (left side of every page on my blog & websites). I don't sent out things very often and you can unsubscribe at any time!

Julia Author Profile Page said:

I'll do it, Roland! Thanks for connecting.

Julia Author Profile Page said:

Hi, Doreen~ I did stop by briefly, but got pulled away and didn't get to leave a comment. I'll pay you another visit tonight!!! Thanks so much for connecting!

Julia said:

Oops! Marilyn--I accidentally called you "Meredith"! Trying to do too much today. Forgive me?!

joylene said:

Nice Blog, Jan. Your daughter is stunning. Here's hoping you're on Oprah soon.

Julia Author Profile Page said:


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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on May 9, 2010 12:17 AM.

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What a way to start the day! is the next entry in this blog.

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