Like decorating a phone booth

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For those in the U.S., today was a holiday--hope you made the most of it!

With so much to accomplish before we leave early Thursday, Labor Day  for us was just that--a day of labor! I thought you might like to see some of what I've been up to. It's been a really busy 6 days since we found out Patrick could do the bathroom renovation while we're gone, but I believe I'm coming down the homestretch with the numerous details. Finding things that fit our Liliputian-sized bathroom has been an interesting challenge, but I believe its almost done.

Today, Rick and I invoked Easy World at Home Depot and got a really nice, knowledgable sales associate (who wasn't on his way to lunch like so many of the HD clerks seem to be when you ask for help!), and who was really helpful. Love that! What I thought might take awhile was handled in a few short minutes. Always invoke EW if you want pleasant, harmonious, EASY experiences while shopping!

I'll be taking before and after photos, of course, but it does beg an important question: Where does one stand to photograph the inside of a phone booth?!

Here is the storyboard I put together to keep me on task so that everything is cohesive style-wise:

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Sibylle said:

Oooh, I love shiny new bathroom furniture and fixtures! So how do you take pictures of a phone booth? By invoking the gods of wide angle! :D Stand with your back to one corner and take a pic of the opposite corner (=two walls), then the other way around. Should work...

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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on September 4, 2007 12:09 AM.

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