Whatever I need, large or small, Easy World provides it

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I switched mobile phone service to Credo Mobile (formerly Working Assets) recently because they contribute part of the profits from every call to progressive, humanitarian and green causes. I received my much-needed new phone day-before-yesterday and put it on the charger to charge up for 24 hours. Yesterday, I called to have my old number switched over, etc.

Once that was done, it dawned on me that I knew nothing at all about this new phone and my heart sank to think of learning about it. I just don't like slowing down to deal with technical details, especially when it means studying a manual. It took me years to figure out my old phone, and it was really, really simple. The new phone has about 5 times more features and because it's another brand, it is all different. I will admit that I claimed defeat before even trying!

The instruction book that came with the new phone seemed a little overwhelming, as they all seem to for me (I think I'm an auditory learner or multi-sensory learner and don't learn my best by reading). As I contemplated going to find it and tackle figuring out at least the basics, I thought about looking online for instructions because I thought they might be laid out in an easier format.

Before doing a search for that, I decided I'd better invoke Easy World. So I said, "I live in Easy World where everything is easy--even figuring out new phones." At that very instant, the chime that sounds when I have new email sounded, and when I looked up at my computer screen, there was an email from Credo Mobile with the subject line "Getting Started With Your New Phone" and, lo and behold, the email contained a phone diagram, and very well laid out, easy to grasp instructions on the basics of my new phone!


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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on November 12, 2008 1:27 PM.

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