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This is a week of progress on many fronts. I was seized with the motivation to design the new Easy World website this weekend and came up with something I LOVE and I think you will, too. I won't give anything away just yet--Tony (webmaster) is busy this week, but promises me he'll get to it as soon as he can. You know I'll let you know when it's up and running. I'll be announcing it big time!

Rick and I also got some things done in the yard, and got the garage ready for my new baby. (Ever known of a swimming pool being called a baby?). The pool was delivered last week, and the crates sat in the driveway for five days till Peter, the installer, had an opening in his schedule. He started this morning, and he and his helper got a lot done as you can see from the photo. It really does look like a huge dumpster at this point--a very fancy stainless steel dumpster--especially with the insulation sheets in it. As you can see, it takes up most of our 1-car garage. It looks larger and longer in person than in the photo--my angle vastly foreshortened it.

Peter has another day or day and a half to work on it, and then we have to wait for the custom liner to arrive. It couldn't be ordered until he got the walls erected today and measured for it. (This is because we chose to have a custom deep area--that's what the excavation in the garage floor was about--and the measurements need to be precise.) It is supposed to be about 2 weeks till the liner comes, and then he'll come back and install the liner, fill the pool and test it, etc. THEN, at last, after 20 years of dreaming of an Endless Pool, I'll be able to swim in it!

I did have an Easy World experience around today's install worth noting. Very late last night, I suddenly "came to" and realized that one wall of the pool will be up against a wall of the garage that has paper-covered insulation on it, which you can see in the photo. My understanding was that the pool was going to be pushed tightly up against the studs so there would be no room between the pool and the wall. Splashing water + paper-covered insulation = you can guess! (We're not finishing the garage because when we move in a few years, we're moving the pool with us and restoring it to a garage)

So I started worrying and trying to figure out how to cover the wall before they put the pool up against it. But after a bit, I realized the futility of that and I said, "I live in Easy World where everything is easy, and it will be handled." So I let go and turned over and went to sleep.

When I talked to Peter this morning about it, he said "No problem." (Great Easy World phrase, by the way!) He said he'd already planned to cover that wall with plastic which he would purchase and take care of. Not something we'd talked about, and not really his job--he's just a nice guy, and an agent of EW! Easy.

One more bit of progress. You may remember the tiny tulip shoots from my blog entry of a few weeks ago--the one where the lavender foliage was in better focus. Well, here are the tulips now!

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Sibylle said:

Things are progressing all around, aren't they? It was a true full-moon weekened in that sense (in my life as well).
Love the tulips, they're gorgeous! To think that not so long ago, you were snowed in...

Julia said:

Yes--it is astonishing to think that it was so recently that we couldn't even see the ground! Heck--we had snow last week, but at this time of year, it doesn't last more than a day or 2 at most.
I bet the Emerald Isle is gorgeous about now...
Hugs back atcha, Sibylle--it's always lovely to hear from you!

Sibylle said:

Yes it is gorgeous, especially since we've had mild sunny spring weather all week! I published a couple pictures on my hagpage. If you'd like to take a look, the direct link to the albums is:

Julia said:

How beautiful, Sibylle!!! I just HAVE to come to Ireland someday soon! I love the one of your friends on the cliff by the sea. I would have liked to have been there!
Thanks for sharing those.

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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on April 3, 2007 4:29 AM.

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