5 Years of Blogging! Celebrate!

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I can hardly believe I've been at this for five years. I let the actual anniversary of my first blog entry just blow by, but at least it's still October! I made my inaugural post October 4, 2004.

To help you help me celebrate (because I know you're excited to do so!), I'm giving you an opportunity to win prizes. Who doesn't like to win prizes?

Correctly answer the quiz questions below (the answers are found in my blog) and be entered into a drawing to win a grand prize package that includes an Easy World "magic wand,"
EW magic wand sm.jpgan Easy World mug, an Easy World button, and a signed first edition of my first book, Recreating Eden!

If you answer the questions correctly and your name isn't drawn as the grand-prize-package winner, you're still in luck. Just for answering the questions correctly, you will win an audio download of your choice from the Recordings page on JuliaRogersHamrick.com, and a mention on my blog (with a link to your website if you like).

You can either read my blog from beginning to end (believe it or not, some people have done this!), or, the answers can be researched using the blog's search window. The bonus question will require a little bit of extra research.
(To access the archives organized by month, just click on the heading "Julia's Blog" at the top of each page and you'll find a list on the left side--you may need to scroll down a bit).

  1. What geographical location did I go to when I went to "Happy Land"?
  2. How did my dog, Roly, get drunk?
  3. When I was seeking an elephant walking down a Colorado highway, what did I find instead that satisfied my need to see an elephant?
  4. Where was I kidnapped and by whom?
  5. What song was playing when I was at the gas station in Raleigh in 2006 that had everybody groovin' at the pumps?
  6. What kind of station wagon did I keep seeing that seemed to be evidence of being in a parallel reality?
  7. Which anniversary did Rick and I celebrate in 2008 and where did we celebrate it?
  8. Who says I can't have that? (2009)
  9. What musical instrument did I get in August of 2009 and why did I get it?
  10. Why did Rick and I stay at the cottage for an extra day this September?
  11. **And a bonus question--answer this one correctly and get an extra entry in the drawing: Which blog post of mine had received the most comments as of October 27, 2009?
Please submit your answers via email by November 10, 2009. Just copy and paste the questions along with your answers into the contact form with the subject line "Blog Quiz." Drawing for the grand prize package will be held Nov.11 and I'll announce the winners here on the blog no later than November 17.

Have fun!!!



Tony said:

Wow! Congratulations on 5 years. It seems like only yesterday that we started this. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun.

Julia said:

Thanks, Tony! Yes--it's been fun and fast. I appreciate all your help!!!

I remember when we first put up the website and you advised me that the way to get traffic is to have a lot of content. I've got some content now! :P

(Tony is my webmaster who not only helps me start things, he keeps things running smoothly around here.)

Sibylle said:

Hi Julia! First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on five years of blogging! And then of course, I will sooo enter that competition, just need to do some research because I wasn't here from the beginning of the blog :-) I love the prizes, especially the wand - as you would expect from a witch, lol!


Julia said:

Thanks, Sibylle!!! Yes--you will love the wand! Very mesmerizing--great for relaxing you into Easy World!

I'll be on the lookout for your entry.

Hugs back atcha!

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Where To From Here?

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Julia published on October 25, 2009 2:10 PM.

Honor your own inner knowing above all else was the previous entry in this blog.

Scary (almost) Halloween pictures is the next entry in this blog.

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