Easy World: October 2007 Archives


Tonight's teleseminar "A Simple Matter of Allowing" was wonderful--at least it was from my perspective, and that of several folks I heard from afterward. We had a great turnout, and the energy was really nice. Somehow, though, we got cut off near the end of it, and I was challenged to get back on the line. I dialed in but didn't have the organizer access code at my fingertips and so I used the participant code--no one could hear me! But I could hear them, lamenting that the call was cut off before things had wrapped up! So frustrating!

The funny part was that someone, in the process of asking a question, had  just commented that she felt isolated from others when she was aligned, in her joy and feeling higher in frequency, and I had just noted that we were on a call with 60 or so other people who were of like mind and who were at higher frequency, too, and that the separation was just an illusion...and we got cut off! It would have been funny...but it wasn't! (Funnier now!)

When I finally located the organizer access code again (when I first dialed in, I had been looking at it on the freeconference.com website, but my session timed out and it automatically closed the window!), there were still a few people there, and so I answered a few more questions--which I love doing--and we finished up about 8:30 Mountain Time.

If you were on the call and didn't get to say "goodnight," I am really sorry! I have no idea why we were cut off, but I'm sure it was all in Divine Order. Anyway, I do hope you'll come back next month!

Here is a snippet from my notes from tonight in case you missed the call:

"A desire means you've received your Wise/Provider Self's notice that something is on its way as long as you don't block it! As long as you allow it.

What if someone you knew to be fabulously wealthy, completely benevolent, generous, loving and has your highest level of well-being in mind called you up and said, "I'd like to give you your heart's desire and I'd like to deliver it today, no strings attached"

What would be the proper response? THANK YOU!!!

What is the proper response to the recognition of a desire? THANK YOU!!! It's a done deal as long as you don't block it with doubts, pushing, worry, or fear-based thinking of any kind.

When a desire comes, don't mess with it!!! Don't doubt it. Simply hold it quietly and knowingly within. Know that by simply relaxing and trusting in your Wise/Provider Self and its perfect coordination with Divine Order and Divine Timing, it will appear in your experience in exactly the right sequencing and timing, be that in seconds from now, or years from now. (If you are not in your ego, that will not matter one little bit to you!) The less concerned you are with the details, the faster whatever it is will show up as long as it fits into the Divine Design for Harmony and supports your true well-being.

Choosing Easy World is very supportive of the process of manifestation via allowing."

 Goodnight, everybody!

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