General: January 2005 Archives

Golden night

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I was going to blog last night but I was kidnapped. Okay--not kidnapped exactly. Hijacked. Well...not hijacked--more like waylaid. By my husband.

Remember back in early December, when I told you about our adventure in Golden, Colo.? (The entry is from Dec. and is called "Golden day.") We loved the food at the Golden Hotel's Bridgewater Grill so much, we made a vow to go back for dinner sometime and last night was the night. I was excited to go, but tired from my day--I had been out all day, had been up north at a 3-hour networking luncheon, then did a little shopping, and drove the 40 minutes home in heavy traffic. To top it off, I was wearing decidedly uncomfortable street clothes (including the restrictive and misery-making undergarments that women wear out in public). That may not seem like a big deal to you, but with a home office, and dealing primarily with people not in the same geographical area, I'm used to working in sweats, without a "harness"! So, while I was ready to go out and have a lovely meal, I was almost more excited to get home to my comfy clothes and my snuggly pups, whom I had not had time with all day.

Our meal was fabulous--we split a calamari salad with arugula and lemon oil vinaigrette (yum!), and I had seared ahi with chunks of lobster in a perfectly seasoned buerre blanc sauce--Oh. My. Goodness. I told Rick that that alone was worth being in a human body for! Rick had buffalo flank steak. We had an amazing bottle of shiraz from Australia called "Stump Jump," and even broke the "no sugar" rule and had crème brulee with a custard so light, it was almost ethereal. It featured a touch each of coffee liqueur and Irish cream--looked like they drizzled it on before they applied the sugar and torched it. It was served with chocolate covered coffee beans--three of them. We asked the waiter for another bean so we wouldn't come to blows over who got two! He brought 3 more and we ate them all, of course. Total decadence! Even worth the sugar withdrawal over the next few days.

I asked Rick to bring the car around while I visited the ladies' room, and uncharacteristically, he said, "No--I'll just meet you in the lobby and we'll go together." When I met him in the lobby, I was SO very, very ready to get home, get out of my uncomfortable garb, and snuggle in with those poor dogs who had been alone all day. When he guided me to the elevator, I noticed that instead of pushing "P" for parking, he pushed "4." Then he whipped out a card key. I thought, "while I was in the ladies,' he borrowed a card key so we can check out what the rooms look like." They were advertising a Valentine's weekend special which we had discussed, so it made sense. But something about the look on his face told me that was not it. Then, the light dawned. "He is planning for us to stay here NOW." I said, "You're joking." He said, "Nope!" I said, "PLEASE tell me you're joking!" "No. Not a joke." The stricken look on my face was not exactly the reaction he had been hoping for! "Please tell me that someone is taking care of the dogs." "Yes, it's all arranged."

He had plotted this with our wonderful, and now, a little bit envious, neighbor, Suzette, who is the dogs' godmother of sorts. She encouraged him to go for it and said she wished her husband would do something like that. Rick brought what he thought I would need to be comfortable--clean undies, a nightshirt, and a toothbrush. Very much a guy's idea of the basics! (Hey--where's my age-reversing DNA repairing night serum, my half-dozen evening supplements, my daytime clothes to wear home tomorrow so I won't look like a hooker in my slinky black sweater with the woven string design at the décolleté, my cosmetics, my...?!). Fortunately, I had my purse/tote bag in the car which has a lot of stuff in it (some essential oils, lip balm, lotion, etc.), and he had brought his shaving kit with toothpaste, floss, etc. And, of course, the hotel provided fancy soaps, lotions, a hairdryer, etc. Once I saw the handwriting on the wall and knew this WAS a happening thing, I was able to adjust. That it was an immaculately clean, beautifully appointed room helped. I finally relaxed and had fun. I was still VERY happy to get home this morning--I didn't sleep well (all that food didn't help!), so it was great to take a nap with the pups. I think I'm almost recovered.

My romantic husband. What a sweet idea. He was very proud of himself for pulling it off, too! He said next time we went on a mini-vacation, we'd plan it together. But there's something to be said for minimal planning--if I had known about this little adventure, I'd've had to spend time figuring out what to take, I'd've taken too much, and so on. As it was, it worked out just fine.

A quick update--the date for the Louisiana workshop weekend may need to be pushed back a week to the 8th-10th, depending on what we figure out about accommodations. It's Audubon weekend in St. Francisville, so things are pretty booked up. Ellen is on the case, though, so hopefully, we'll know soon.

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The last two days have been quite full and quite marvelous! And quite joyous! Lots of “downloads” from Higher Wisdom—I have had to scramble to get it all recorded. Apparently, The Recreating Eden Series is growing! Yep—you got it—a series. I won’t get more specific because something is in the delicate embryonic phase, where talking about it can deplete the energy, but something is definitely asking to be born! And I am sure up for it—there is no time that I feel more aligned than when I am actively channeling new information.

Another very cool thing that’s been cooking for the last week that I felt I needed to delay talking about is that Ellen Kennon and I are making plans to invite you (and a bunch of your soon-to-be friends) for a Recreating Eden weekend in beautiful plantation country, St. Francisville, Louisiana (Baton Rouge area)! I’ll be doing a free talk, booksigning, leading a workshop, and doing energy attunements the weekend of April 1-3. Ellen has fabulous connections in the area, and a plump mailing list of area metaphysically inclined folks who have come to other such events she’s coordinated for Lee Carroll (Kryon), Meredith Young-Sowers, and someone else whose name escapes me at the moment—Steve Rother, maybe? We’re planning to hold the daylong workshop in a lovely place where nature can assist us in raising our frequency! The workshop will be “Increase Your Tolerance for Joy!” and I am really jazzed about it. And I’m jazzed about going to St. Francisville. I’ve intuited that there is Divine Feminine vortex there, and being that I have often been told I’m channeling Divine Feminine, Mother Mary energy, it seems like a perfect spot. Not to mention, a place of such beauty is a natural for an event designed to help you get closer to Eden! That part of the country is also in a power place for me according to the first astro-locality reading I had done. Denver (where I live) is on my Pluto line—Pluto being the planet of transformation—lots of potential for great growth and change, but not always fun! I feel such a lot of raw, masculine energy here--not very gentle. So spending time—and leading spiritual growth activities—somewhere that is optimal for my career AND with a softer edge will be a lovely respite for me! What a beautiful time of year it will be! Stay tuned for details on this. And save the date!

Rick followed his intuition this morning and emailed a woman who has an online magazine called "inspire!," whose review is a “Spotlight Review” on Amazon for Ask and It Is Given. He told her that since she loved that book, she’d likely love Recreating Eden since it was mined from the same vein of Truth. She wrote him back and invited us to send her a JPEG of the book cover, a chapter from the book, a bio, and the URL of to include in the March issue! So I did. She’s obviously a kindred spirit based on the little bit of contact I’ve had with her. The magazine gets a lot of visitors and has featured books by some high profile folks. That’s a nice bit of exposure for Recreating Eden, eh?

Well—I’d better wrap it up. Not only is it late and I'm yawning to beat the band, but I have to get up and be out earlier than usual in the morning. I’m going to a women’s networking luncheon that is quite a ways away. I’m taking books to sell, a sheet that lists the instant frequency boosters from the 2 newsletters, and a print out of the introduction to the book, my sign up for mailings sheets, and my business cards. I figure that since I don’t really have samples of a product to give out, a free chapter is as close as I can come!

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Classification frustration

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A couple of weeks ago, I discovered that the Denver Public Library had given Recreating Eden a Dewey-Decimal classification that didn’t fit it. It was 248.4, which is listed as “Christian experience, practice, life.” Now, while all but the most fundamental, “the Bible is literally true” Christian would probably be fine with my book, and while it does quote the master teacher, Jesus, Recreating Eden is NOT a Christian book. And I do not want for people of other religions to miss finding it because they’d never look in a Christian section. So I emailed the main library and asked them if it could be changed. I received a very nice note from the librarian in charge of such matters, who said she was quite willing to change it, but what did I want her to change it to?

Hmmm…I didn’t know, so she gave me a couple of possibilities and I decided the thing to do was go to the library and look on the shelves and see where it belonged. When she told me the categories, I thought they might fit, but when I looked at the books that were grouped there, I didn’t think either one was right. I looked for quite awhile, and almost despaired, but finally settled on a number, based on what else was there. When I got home and looked up what that classification is, 291, it says, “comparative religions.” Sigh.I can't remember specifically what books were classified 291--seems like something by Deepak Chopra and maybe Julia Cameron--didn't seem like comparative religion, but if comparative religion is what that number is about, I wouldn’t put Recreating Eden in that category, either!

What all this brought home to me is a couple of things: 1) categorizing a book that is ecumenical (some version of the story of the Fall of Man from the Garden of Eden is found in the sacred texts of most major religions), and that is spiritual, but not religious, that is self-help, but not psychology, it is about humanity’s history, but it is not an anthropology book—basically, a book that covers as wide a range of issues as Recreating Eden does, is quite a challenge! And, 2) perhaps I am too close to the book to be the one that classifies it! I can hardly even objectively explain what it is about in terms that a librarian might use to classify it. It is about everything. At least in my mind and heart it is! Hmmm…I wonder if there is a Dewey classification for “everything!” By the way, there is no classification for “ascension” or "Heaven on Earth" that I was able to find, but there IS one for “good and evil.” I’m thinking since Recreating Eden is about rising out of the duality matrix and transcending the realm of the concept of good and evil, that might not be quite right, either!

I found the first non-familial, non spam comment on the blog today! It was a thrill! I found it posted to the entry before last and never even thought to check for comments last night as I was so bleary-eyed when I was posting, I could barely even get the post written and blogged. But something called me to go check today, and there it was--a nice greeting from yet another wonderful woman who found the blog via Ellen Kennon! LOVE it! Hi, Peggie--hope you find my reply to your comment!

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Learning to fly

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It was a tiring weekend and I realize it’s not just from the basement sorting and clearing, but because I let someone else’s opinion get to me. It’s funny how I can have ten people say wonderful things and stay centered, knowing it’s their response to the larger energy behind Recreating Eden and not me, personally, that they’re responding to. But let one person have a personal criticism of me and I go a-tumbling down! It occurs to me that I need to withdraw my ego from that end of things as effectively as I seem to be able to do when the comments are about how much they loved the book or such. Now granted, though I was taken aback at the comments from this person, they were very constructive, and I am grateful. I have no beef whatever with this person—I feel they did me a service for a lot of reasons. My issue was with myself. What I did this afternoon when I had this recognition was to do the surrender (I release myself to you, Spirit. I am Yours. I open every cell and fiber to be filled with your Love and Light, etc.) And I especially guided my attention to my solar plexus, where the ego aspect of my inner child lives, and made a point to release and flow the energy into there, to heal “her” with Love and acceptance. It helped immensely! I was also flirting with a sore throat and so I took a half-hour nap and when I woke up, I felt fine.

Learning to manage this energy is like learning to fly a 747 when you’re used to flying a Cessna. I know that I’m up to it, but it feels a wee bit daunting at times! You truly do “teach best what you most need to learn” and baby, if you’ve ever announced that you’re going to teach something, it’s like inviting the universe to give you a crash course in it! I just announced to the universe that I’m going to be facilitating a workshop called “Recreating Eden: Increasing Your Tolerance for Joy” and it sure looks like I’m being provided the opportunity to learn how to do that! I am learning how to stay in joy without allowing outer things take me out of it, and of course, in order to learn it, the universe is sending me some opportunities to try that out!

I’ve been thinking over the notion that Joy is not the result of having all the trials and tribulations taken away—or even of having wonderful things happen to you, but instead, all the wonderful things and having all the trials and tribulations taken away is the result of choosing Joy! Joy is rightly a proactive emotion—one that you decide on instead of acting as the victim. When you choose to be at the frequency level of Joy, and do all the things that support that, you are in the realm of your Spirit; at higher frequency, and not only are you above the turmoil when you’re there, what you create from that stance is truly magical!

Updated the events page today and there will be more to announce soon. Thank you to Patti , who gave me a nudge to get that done. In fact, when the email came in from her about it, I was at the events page thinking about what to do! Love the synchronicity.

There is so much more to say but I’m ready for bed. I’ve been getting to bed toooooooo late and its not as easy to feel Joy when you’re exhausted. Another important lesson I learned over the weekend!

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Clutter clearing and prosperity

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Ellen’s winter newsletter, "Living Well" came out yesterday afternoon and had it’s biggest day ever (followed closely by the day my Winter 2005 newsletter went online). We sold some books from that were a direct result of her newsletter article, as well as quite a few through other online sellers--our sales ranking on jumped up drastically, too! THANK YOU, Ellen Kennon!!!

I’ve been reading in Ask and It Is Given, the Abraham-Hicks book, today. I love it because it not only speaks to something I'm ready to work with, it is perfectly consonant with the wisdom I was provided from Great Mind when I was writing Recreating Eden. It’s looking at matters with an only slightly more narrowed focus than is Recreating Eden—as in, it’s specifically speaking to the manifesting aspect of things—but it sure seems to be from the same basic Truth: it's all about frequency, and the key to having what you want is in being a frequency match with it. And about Joy being an indicator that you're in alignment, etc., etc. When I was writing Recreating Eden, I thought I was making that stuff up! It's so cool to find out that I was just tuned into a particularly potent radio station that drew others to listen and share what they heard, too--and yes, I confess, my ego still likes that kind of external validation.

I’ve had people in my gatherings say that Recreating Eden is very much like the Abraham-Hicks material, but I couldn’t confirm that till now as my only exposure was that I had heard a tape (“The Laws of Deliberate Creation”) and read a few quotes here and there before I started reading Ask and It Is Given. It is perfect timing, too. With my energy so high and Joy being so easy to access at the moment, it’s very easy to feel exactly what they’re talking about. And while it may be in the book a little further along than I am, I would like to say that when you're in Joy, you are more naturally able to draw stuff to you without resistance entering the picture. When you're in the empowered state of alignment, you don't have to struggle to believe that something is yours just because the desire is there--you just know it. And the other cool thing that confirmed something I've long done is their idea of "putting universal forces to work for you." In fact, I have an affirmation that has been taped to the inside of my bathroom cabinet for some months that says, "Universal Forces are now conspiring to _______" (I'm not going to reveal what the blank is filled in with, but suffice to say that I am seeing ample evidence that Universal Forces are indeed conspiring to deliver my request and have already done so in part!) Thanks to my sister Ann, who selected Ask and It Is Given from my wish list of books, and purchased it for me (on behalf of my mom) at the annual Quail Ridge Books (in Raleigh) sale for Christmas. Great choice!

Hallelujah! We made progress in the basement today! Rick cleared out a whole bunch of boxes and trash and I cleaned out and organized one of the most congested areas—the one that I had dreaded the most. It was actually so satisfying, I would classify it as FUN! I’m thrilled that we’re finally doing this. I’m being fairly ruthless, too, with getting rid of stuff. We read Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston five years ago, cleaned out our seriously congested storage room (which was in our prosperity sector), and within days, had the funds to buy our house! So I’m looking to harness some of that magic by cleaning out and organizing the basement. I understand from a friend that your basement represents your subconscious. When she cleaned out her basement, a lot of stuff opened up in her life, so I am looking forward to new levels of clarity and focus, as well as whatever else is ready to be transformed! Not to mention, having room to turn around in the basement!

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Connection to the Divine

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Another high-energy, joy-filled day! And not without lessons. I was really soaring tonight while I was exercising. About 90 minutes before I went downstairs (Nordic Track and Lifecycle are in the basement), I had come up with an exciting new workshop and the plans for it just flowed out of me and poured out into the computer effortlessly! That, in combination with some very high energy connections and conversations over the course of the day, had me vibrationally high and feeling quite blissed out—so very, very grateful for all the blessings that are flowing. To back up a little further, I had spent ten minutes this afternoon finding things to give the Disabled American Veterans as they had called at the first of the week, just about the time I was thinking how we so desperately need to undertake a big clutter-clearing and giveaway. I knew if I committed to the D.A.V., it would light a little fire under me in that direction--a start. As I was scanning the piles of stuff, I spotted an old crocheted afghan that belongs to Rick. It features one of the loudest, most jarring color combinations I have ever seen—certainly not something I would want to display—and I have been trying to convince him for years to part with it (it’s been in a plastic bag in storage for the seven years I’ve known him, so it’s not like it is getting used.)

So while I’m at the peak of my bliss on the bike, thanking Spirit profusely for all the cool synchronicities of late and reveling in the energy, and thinking how I'd follow that bliss anywhere, I was looking around the basement at all the stuff that needs to be freed up from stagnancy there, and thinking how there was no possession in the world I wouldn't give up to feel that high-frequency energy. Just then, Rick came downstairs and announced that he’d gathered a bag of stuff for the D.A.V. It triggered my memory of my own gathering time, and with the feeling I was having about releasing all that excess stuff, it tapped into my desire to get him to let go of the afghan. Let me tell you, when you’re up there feeling the energy and power of Who You Are, and you allow an ego issue to grab the steering wheel, LOOK OUT! I spoke VERY passionately about the afghan, in a preachy, “laying down the law” kind of way. Rick managed to remain placid and noncommittal about letting go of it, and I was left about 20 notches lower in frequency! From the heights of ecstasy and gratitude, I dropped waaaaaaaaaaay down there. Not to the point of unhappiness or anything--was still in joy at a somewhat lower level (though there certainly was a temptation to then beat up on myself for taking the express train out of Bliss-ville), but definitely nowhere near as high as I had been. What a powerful lesson! Remedial, I might add: JUDGMENT LOWERS FREQUENCY. EGO STUFF LOWERS FREQUENCY. Thank you, Spirit, for the reminder. It was also an important new understanding as well. The tolerance (and in this case, I mean the tolerance like in a machine part--the allowance for deviation) for mistakes gets smaller when you're dancing up there, close to your Spirit. You feel the illusion of separation so much more acutely after you've just been feeling the Oneness so powerfully. Thankfully, Spirit welcomes you back with open arms when you intend to climb back up!

A really remarkable thing happened tonight. I noticed that my boy dachshund, Roly, has a beautiful violet aura around his head and then I noticed that Lilah does as well! They looked like a pale neon-type purple light, with Lilah’s vascillating between purple and white. It was quite an extraordinary experience— I’ve long been able to see human auras if I focus on them, so I can’t believe I never thought to look before! Actually, just seeing the auras was not the coolest part. The coolest part was that I was staring at Lilah’s aura (and she was staring SO lovingly and peacefully back at me) and I felt such gratitude for the blessing of seeing her aura, I said softly, “Oh, thank you God!” And her aura jumped to more than double in size at exactly that moment!!! How powerful is that???

I did a Google search for “dog aura” and found a site with a list of the colors and what they mean. I copied the following from that site:

Amethyst and violet colors: this animal is highly attuned to its owner and the Divine.

White: the pet has recognized its spiritual connection to the Divine.

Well, don't know how much they've recognized about their connection to the Divine, but it’s for sure they’re highly attuned with me!

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Mirror, mirror

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Rising Times” (my newsletter) was emailed out today.* I hope that next time, I have it done with a day to spare before the mail-out (and so does Tony, our webmaster). I would have driven a less tolerant man completely nuts with my last minute changes, additions, and nit-picky tweaks, but not Tony! At least, I don’t think I drove him nuts—he still seems to like me! He did, however, very politely concur that we need more time between him putting into format and the mail-out. You just don’t catch stuff when it’s still in separate documents. It’s only when you’re seeing it all put together as others will see it that you realize something’s inconsistent or something that’s supposed to be italicized isn’t, or that you need to add more links—or whatever. Anyway, this issue is done and from the feedback so far, it’s being appreciated. I'm happy about that!

I talked to Ellen for the first time on the phone today. I called her because she’d ordered a book for a friend through the website, and I wanted to know if she wanted it signed. She’s as fun on the phone as she is via email—actually, even more so! And, being from Louisiana, very Southern in her speech. Within about 30 seconds of our first hello, my drawl was back! Loved that. I do miss the sounds of my natural habitat. (Wow—I meant where I grew up during my Earth-indoctrination, but I also realize I miss the sounds of my true natural habitat—Eden—too! The "joyful noises"!) Ellen and I are cooking up several ideas which I would share but often the energy gets dissipated when you talk about things too soon. I should be able to “tell all” in the not-too-distant-future.

ALSO, I called Louise and talked to her for the first time on the phone tonight. We started off like long-lost friends (which we think is exactly what we are—or more like long-lost family). I called her at 8:45 and the next thing we knew, it was 11:15! Very interesting what happens when you are operating in the Unified Field with a fellow “joy junkie”! If nature hadn’t called, I’m convinced we’d still be yacking away. We talked about all sorts of things, one of them being how wonderful it is to finally be getting to the part of the adventure where we get to meet our mirrors of joy. It’s for sure I’ve met an awful lot of mirrors of stuff I didn’t want to look at—and while extremely helpful, not as much fun! I guess when you become unconditionally committed to being in the joy space, it stands to reason that you will attract mirrors to show you where you are. Not that I would be shocked if a less-flattering mirror showed up tomorrow, but how lovely it is to meet people that are feeling the same expansion and elation you are!

I love the way this adventure is unfolding. Spirit is a magnificent engineer of connections, events, and delightful surprises. I am excited everyday to see what new wonders will come my way!

*If you’re on the newsletter list and didn’t’ get yours, your spam filtering probably blocked it. I’m going to ask Tony how to get around that. Maybe you just need to add "" to your address book...? Meantime, to access the current newsletter, click here.

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Different strokes, wonderful folks

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I'm thrilled to say that my back is pretty much a non-issue now. It's healed to the point that it is not restricting me and hardly twinges at all! I was even able to use the Nordic Track and ride the recumbent bike yesterday for the first time in 9 days. I'm SO happy about that!

I finished putting together the Winter 2005 Rising Times (newsletter) today. I've been working on it since at least a week before my last blog entry, and quite intensively over the weekend. Even though I really love writing it, it feels really great to get it behind me. It is now in the hands of Tony, my aforementioned wonderful web guy, who will format it and get it ready for posting on the site and emailing.

My new buddy, designer Ellen Kennon, and I are continuing with our online meetings of The Mutual Admiration Society. I have featured her and her paints in an article for Rising Times, and she is talking about Recreating Eden in the opening of her own winter newsletter, Living Well. (She read it and LOVED it—wait till you read the cool stuff she has to say about it! Yay!) That reciprocation was not planned at the conscious level, but came about very synchronistically (not that big a surprise considering the way I first connected with her!). I was sitting here one day, week before last, thinking how, in my newsletter, I’d like to include an article on color therapy by her, excerpted from her newsletter archives. At that very moment, an email came in from her saying she’d been cogitating for awhile over her own next newsletter, and knew there was something else that needed to be in it, and that it had just dawned on her that it was supposed to be about me and Recreating Eden! As for my part, instead of just linking to one of her articles to include in Rising Times, I decided to write about our interesting connection and about the uniqueness and power of the paints themselves. It’s a fun article that I hope you’ll read when the newsletter comes out—hopefully, early Wednesday morning if all goes well. If you haven’t signed up for the newsletter, don’t delay!

I don’t think I’ve mentioned lately that Matty, who I talked about in the November 24th and 29th blog entries—you know, the one whose online journal I got hooked on—and I have kept up a nice, loose correspondence. It’s really been interesting to see how alike we are and at the same time, how very different. She is living a fairly high-adrenaline, vagabond spiritual warrior’s life, because apparently her soul needs the drama and thrill of living without a tether and frequently leaping off cliffs without a net. Me? I do my own versions of untethered and leaping but it just doesn't look quite so dramatic from the exterior. I feel like getting up everyday and announcing to the world my vision of Heaven on Earth is about as close to the edge as I can get! I’ve often wondered if I was stoned to death or crucified or killed in some other grisly way in another life for being a very vocal, radical threat to the status quo, as it sometimes feels heart-thumpingly dangerous to say the things I say. I realize they’re not nearly as outrageous-sounding as the teachings of many new age folks, but for a girl who spent her whole life doing what she could to fit in and be thought of as “normal” in hopes that no one would notice she was very different inside, coming out of hiding and saying stuff like “when you raise your frequency to a certain level, you’ll become invisible to others vibrating at a lower frequency”—and saying it to some pretty mainstream folks—it seems quite risky! So does putting your heart, soul, 9 or 10 years, and a huge chunk of your fiscal resources into one small book and trusting that, with enough nurturing, it will take on a life of its own and prove to be a gamble that was worth it with no clue if it will actually ever have a heartbeat (I see now that it does--hooray!), much less, achieve its mission. But it sure is fun living vicariously through Matty—especially since she’s so open with her thoughts and her heart. She’s got new journal entries online now, by the way. If you’re paying attention, you’ll see some philosophical differences between us, too. Her latest journal entries about these tumultuous times, and my newsletter article on the same topic called “Changing the Channel on Fearful Prophecy” are in pretty big contrast! That’s part of the beauty of this amazing family of humanity we’re a part of. We can have our differences and still experience sweet soul connections!

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I was going to write earlier and more, but have been in the throes of writing an article for the upcoming newsletter on Earth changes and prophecy and our power to choose what reality to manifest relative to that. I have been, essentially, channeling my Self. I had a realization earlier when I was in the shower (water seems always to be a catalyst for Higher Wisdom for me) that the days of channeling “other entities” are fast fading—that it’s time for us to wake up and realize that there’s really only one of us anyway, and that it’s a matter of separation consciousness (sometimes with a measure of low self-esteem thrown in) that causes us to continue to need to ascribe wisdom to entities outside of ourselves. Now don’t get me wrong—I’ve read and benefited from channeled material from lots of channeled entities, and it was perfectly appropriate for the channels to give credit to the entity(ies) they identified as where the information was coming from, it’s just that these days, the necessary shift has been made so that we at last can recognize that nothing really comes from outside of us since we are all One.

I have asked what I have perceived to be my “invisible friends”—my guidesthe “ones” that seem to feed me wisdom—time and time again for specific identification, but no dice. I know that I get information from something larger than my ordinary consciousness, and it seems like a committee of ascended masters, but there is a steadfast refusal on the part of that intelligence to allow me to abdicate my own responsibility and ownership of what I perceive and put forth. Apparently, I have a mandate to unify, not separate, via my thoughts and my labels. So it looks like “channeling my Self” is what I must call what I do!

The past few days have been full of delightful surprises. After so long of waiting for Recreating Eden to “catch on,” I’m finally getting a wealth of wonderful feedback (not that I didn’t get any before, it just seems to be picking up speed). Diana Henderson put a glowing, perfect review of it on (THANK YOU, Diana!); I’ve gotten very enthusiastic responses from Ellen and Louise (mentioned in the last entry), who are both in the process of reading it; and another really super review came in today via email from someone I met in Michigan this summer who has now read it. I’ve asked him to post it on Amazon, too, but he likely wouldn’t have even gotten my email yet as it was really late (he’s in the EST zone) when I sent it.

My back is healing a-pace, thankfully. I’m still using the heat packs and applying the oils, etc., but I can bend down with little pain and can sit and stand almost normally. And even more importantly, I'm able to work at the computer for normal lengths of time as long as I use a pillow or a back brace. Hooray! I'll sure be glad when I leave the need for physical traumas behind...

I’ve more to say but I’ve run out of steam for now. More soon!

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Speed bump

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Boy, howdy—did I ever hit a speed bump on the road of life! Early Friday morning, I threw my back out—in bed, no less. And no, it wasn’t wild sex. Let’s just say that flannel sheets, cotton nightclothes, and memory foam mattress pads can add up to a nightmare if you’re trying to turn over in your sleep! Even a trip to Dr. Bob, my favorite chiropractor, couldn’t fix me up. BUT, it seems that rest, essential oils, heat packs, and TLC are doing the job. At last, late tonight, I’m feeling some relief and can sit down and stand up without screeching! Bending over is still a trick, but I have faith that is next on my list of accomplishments. I have another appointment with Dr. Bob tomorrow and suspect that this time, it will do the trick.

And I had such a to-do list going, too. But nothing of it has been checked off. None of the things on the list are doable from a prone position and I haven't felt good enough to do much anyway. I do wonder if that’s what’s behind this situation--being overly ambitious and pushing. Maybe too anxious to make up for the lost time from the holiday season and going too fast without staying centered. I’ve been soul-searching to see why I needed this. So far, nothing is crystal clear on it. I have abandoned the flannel sheets, however!

My paint samples from Ellen came yesterday and they are wonderful. I’m eager to get back to normal so I can seriously contemplate repainting the bedroom. And my office. I’d love to repaint the whole house, actually. Her colors are so gorgeous! I think I’ll just go one room at a time, though. No point in taking on too much and having to create another catastrophe to slow me down…

I’ve made another new friend as well. A lovely woman named Louise ordered Recreating Eden on Thursday. When I emailed her to ask if she’d like it signed, I also asked where she’d heard about the book and she replied immediately and said it was from her friend Ellen Kennon! She said that the minute she went to, she just KNEW she was supposed to read it. Another instant connection! Very strong energy around the Ellen-Julia-Louise triumverate. Louise and I have been emailing back and forth since. She received her book yesterday and emailed me tonight to say that she’s halfway through and really into it. I’m already understanding a bit of why I felt such a powerful connection with Ellen when I first went to her website—she’s obviously an important link in the energy chain! I was so revved up with communicating with the two of them. Oh—and Louise lives in Glenwood Springs, Colo., one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. I might have to motor on out there and meet her one of these days!

One thing I’ve learned from this bizarre injury is just how wonderful my husband is. Okay—I knew that before. But I know it even more surely now! He’s been great at taking up the slack for me. Cooking, cleaning up, bringing me whatever I need, and generally being sympathetic. As someone who was single for a whole lotta years and who pretty much always had to fend for herself in times of illness or injury, I have a HUGE appreciation for having someone to take care of me. I had to hold out a long, long time for him, but it was very worth it. Never settle, ladies. Never settle.

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Happy vibrations

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What a fun day! First, it was snowing when I got up—beautiful, fluffy snow coming down at the perfect pace. Next, my quartz crystal singing bowl arrived that I had ordered the day after Christmas. More about it in a bit. Then, I got a call from a publicist/reviewer that I’d sent Recreating Eden to and he said he’d just finished the book and how wonderful it was and that I needed to write more, more, more as my writing style was so appealing and my message so important (now you know I loved that!)!

And, remember my telling you back in November about the experience of bursting into tears when I visited Ellen Kennon’s website—the one who formulates Full Spectrum Paints? I never did get around to writing her—just wasn’t sure what I wanted to say—but today a message from her “magically” showed up in my inbox! She had been checking her webstats and found that I had mentioned her on my blog and linked to her and wanted to connect with me! Said Recreating Eden seemed to be right up her alley, too, and that she wanted to read it as well as spend more time on We had a lovely exchange of several emails back and forth, and while I still don’t know the ultimate scope of the connection, it’s obvious that one aspect is that she is a lovely, high-frequency being! She says she does prayers and visualizations that everyone that comes in contact with her paints is joyful and balanced. How cool is that? You should read all the raves on the GardenWeb home decorating forum about Ellen’s paints—there are practically worshipers! And apparently, I’m not the only one who has had a powerful feeling of connection with her through her website—but she says I’m the first one who has admitted to bursting into tears! We arranged a barter so that I could get her paint swatches and she could have my book. I can hardly WAIT to see those paints!!! Guess I’ll grab some Kleenexes before I open the package in case they render me hysterical…

Two of the kids came over tonight for dinner and to hang out and we had a lovely time, as usual. Also, as I exercised this afternoon, I read some in The Reluctant Shaman : A Woman's First Encounters with the Unseen Spirits of the Earth by Kay Cordell Whitaker. I’m loving this book!

Back to the singing crystal bowl. It was only 9 degrees out when I discovered it had been delivered to the front porch and it must have been there for awhile so I unpacked it and let it come to room temp before I tried it out. It’s the COOLEST thing! So healing. I have wanted one for SO long and just never manifested one. Well it was time. I haven’t meditated with it yet, but I played it awhile ago and really let the sound waves move through me and it was wonderful. I could still feel my body buzzing with energy from it when I came back into my office and sat down at the computer a couple of minutes after the sound had stopped. I suspect there will ultimately be more than one of those bowls in my future! Oh and my 12-going-on-13-year-old stepdaughter really liked playing it. I introduced her to it and showed her how to play it and a half-hour or so later, when she had moved into another room to work on her homework, she got up, went in the living room, and sounded the bowl. I said, “Having fun?” and she said, “I just wanted to feel the vibrations again.” I smiled. Those girls may not live with us but they soak in stuff. Smile.

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2005: Year of answers?

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It’s 2005 and the year has begun with me questioning (almost) EVERYTHING. I’m sure as the days pass, I’ll be sharing much of what I’ve been thinking about. The topics? Earth changes and my response to them (that tsunami probably has a lot of us thinking about that); brain candy (have I been too simplistic in my approach so that people dismiss the message, or is the dearth of brain candy in Recreating Eden totally appropriate as I have believed?); writing another book (it could contain the answers to the questions I’m asking!); trance states and what there is to be learned from them (I’ve developed a sudden, renewed interest in shamanic journeying); the best way to build a community around recreating Eden (who wants to play with Rick and me and make magic?) and much more.

So the months ahead promise lots of interesting exploration.

I’m working on the winter edition of Rising Times (newsletter) and have found way too much that I want to put in my article on spirituality and aromatherapy, so there may need to be a series of articles on that. It amuses me that the thought of putting together a newsletter—you know, coming up with enough material for one—was so daunting before, and now I am having to restrain myself!

According to the meteorologists, it’s going down to –3 tonight. It’s been snowing lightly all day and is supposed to continue through tomorrow and stay very cold as well. And the gardening catalogs are starting to show up. Very enticing! I guess if you order seeds/plants now, you’re exercising faith, indeed! Ahhhh--have I just come up with a grand rationalization for placing an order with High Country Gardens (my favorite online garden center)?!

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